i love being in charge of things. i know that sounds like a kinda selfish reason to be director, but i like being in charge. i always take over projects for schoolwork and turn them into something amazing (I usually do this all by myself, but this time i get to share the work of this tragic act with my awesome co-director, who loves ducks).
I'm a perfectionist, so if something meets my standards, it's pretty dope.
i also like to make things pretty. i make things substantial.
And i hope that this play of Romeo and Juliet will be exactly that; pretty and substantial.
You know that test thing that you take and it shows you which jobs you might be interested in and suitable for your interests? Well, sometimes they're completely messed up. Likke my number 6 most suitable job was a fast food worker...................i don't really think that's going to happen. No offense to you fast food workers out there. I'm totally happy that you do what you do. Without you, i couldn't eat chicken chalupas. WHICH ARE. SO. ALARMINGLY AMAZING. anyways...a job that was suited for me was a director. i took that to heart, and I've been waiting for an opportunity for a chance to be one...and look! it came along. so yeah. I'm pretty happy. i want to be bombarded (I JUST LOVE THAT WORD!!!) with questions and to have problems to solve. i don't want to sit around and do nothing. i hope i don't lose interest in this project (i have the attention span of a microscopic goldfish, but i can focus when i really want/have to, don't worry!). That would be...HORRIBLE.
So, sorry if this first blog of mine sounds a bit narcissistic and selfish at times...i didn't mean to come off like that!
Have an
alarming, astonishing, awe-inspiring, beautiful, breathtaking, exalted, grand, imposing, impressive, magnificent, majestic, mind-blowing, moving, shocking, striking, stunning, stupefying, wonderful, wondrous lovely day! |
adelle lehua.
[yes, i just copied synonyms of amazing into the ending of my blog. IT WAS BEAST, and you knew it :)]
p.s.-im ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS hungry.
Excellent first post Adelle! I know you are going to do an amazing job!