Friday, April 8, 2011

Tomorrow's the day!

As the title  plainly suggests, we film our big scenes tomorrow at 1!!!

And speaking of filming....we recently finished filming scene 2 of act 5! It was a fun experience. We messed up dozens of time, but in the end, we managed to pull through and film it all the way through, with no mistakes whatsoever! YAYYY! I personally think we  have the best actors! They are capable of achieving close to perfection!Good job to Eric, Tighe, Tristan, and Elizabeth!!!

 But are they ready for tomorrow? Only time will be able to tell.

I'm a little nervous, but excited to see how it all turns out. Unfortunately, our scene won't be the last ones filmed. There were a few technical difficulties, and those scenes need to be reshot. Good luck to them as well!

1 comment:

  1. Hey so I'm a director from VM and I'm doing a website about the project. Can you send me a little bio about yourself and a summary about your school for the website? In the bio just say why you wanted to be a director and what you like most about it. Then for the school just say where you're from and what it's like. Can you also get 2 more directors to do this?? That would help me out soo much! You guys can send it to my email:
    Thank you!!!!
