Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Value of Doing Romeo and Juliet the Mr. Provenzano way

The Value of Doing Romeo and Juliet the Mr. Provenzano way

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. However, no one takes this statement to heart. Everybody is convinced that their way is the right way. Opinions make up who people are, and they are applied to every aspect of life.  Many parents have strong opinions about what their kids are exposed to in school. They want to make sure that their kids are learning and will be prepared for the future. However, they believe that high school minds are too young and impressionable. They do not want them exposed to unconventional subjects in unconventional ways. Such is the case of learning “Romeo and Juliet”. In Mr. Provenzano’s classes, instead of reading, analyzing, and taking multiple choice tests, students had to read, analyze, and make a movie, based off the script written by Shakespeare. This different way of teaching has proved to very valuable as part of Mr. Provenzano’s students’ curriculums.
One of the benefits that were bestowed upon his students was that Mr. Provenzano’s methods of teaching allowed the children to be more involved in their unit of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Everyone was enveloped in the project by having the liberty and responsibility of their own jobs. They took on a single part of the project, and were pressured to succeed. If they failed to do their part, everyone else would do the same. With the pressure of being out casted, the kids really understood the themes, emotions, and ideas that Shakespeare incorporated and wove together that created Romeo and Juliet. Even Mr. Diver expressed pleasure after visiting one of the classes. After witnessing them discuss Romeo and Juliet, he understood that the kids in Mr. Provenzano’s classes thoroughly comprehended the subject. I the students were to learn in the conventional way of testing, there may have been a chance that some would fake their ways through the unit. Taking multiple choice tests still allow kids who don’t understand to have a one in four chance of getting a question right, and having an unjustifiable grade. Is education not about how well someone understands the topic being taught, rather than having a superb letter grade? If the lack of work is disconcerting, know that the children's knowledge was still tested, but in the form of discussion questions. The involvement of the students in their own individual ways was not the only aspect of making it a memorable learning process, so was the process of filming itself.
Most of Mr. Provenzano’s freshman students experienced new experiences while filming. They grasped how it was to be part of a production, how it was to be director, or an actor etc. That’s what made it memorable. Since the kids did all of the work other than editing the finished product, they had to work together to get their job done. This put them in situations where groups limited to no one had to meet outside of school. Grosse Pointe South is a particularly cliquey school. However, those filming dates allowed people from all different groups to interact with each other. I felt like history was being made as people from different groups started befriending each other. Those memories will be the ones that remain for years to come. The kids didn’t take mundane tests; they actually learned and had fun. The friendships are only a part of the memories. Also memorable are the ways that information was shared.
America is entering the age of information. People are looking for the new and easiest ways to communicate digitally each day. I t would only make sense to teach children this new aspect. In the project of Romeo and Juliet, a total of eight major websites were used for the students benefit.  Wikispaces was used to show both Grosse Pointe South and Van Meter high school information of the utmost importance, such as filming schedules and job lists. Blogger and Turnitin were used weekly to keep track of student’s personal progress, and their level of comprehension. Kidblog was used daily to keep track of what was done in class. Skype was used as communication between the two schools to clarify ideas. Mr. Provenzano tweeted his freshman followers to remind them about upcoming due dates or events. The filming process was put on an online chat room for the world to have a taste of a revolutionary project. People who chose advertising as a job used sites such as Glogster, TUMBLR, Flickr, Facebook, and Twitter to promote the project. The point is, these websites are the future. It is a favor to students to be teaching them how to leave their footprint in the digital media age. Not only is it a favor to teach students ways that businesses will be conducted in the future, but also the skills that will be needed.
The most beneficial part of filming Romeo and Juliet are the aspects that will prepare the participants for the future. From the beginning to the very end, there were many aspects that all pertained to the future. The project started out with the students picking their jobs. Choices were given, and students chose based on the jobs that they were interested in. This was the first taste of their real life experience. After that, their preparation for the future existed based on their jobs. Overall, the project tested qualities of leadership (including delegating), responsibility, trustworthiness, group work, problem solving skills, and the exchanging of ideas. All of these are skills that will be needed for a successful career. That is what schooling is all about; to prepare for the future when the children are released to live a life of their own.
In taking the non conventional way of learning, the freshman taught by Mr. Provenzano learned many valuable skills. They had a refresher course of how to work with others. They learned how to be responsible for their own actions. But most importantly, this way of teaching did nothing to subtract from its educational value. The children will have a lasting memory of Romeo and Juliet. In fact, it added to it. With all the benefits from filming a production of Romeo and Juliet, there’s no reason why this approach of teaching should be argued with.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So, officially, this is my last post as the director of Act V, of Romeo and Juliet. It makes me kinda sad :(

Anyways, you wanna know how the filming for scenes II and III went? Honestly, it was superduperCHAOTIC. In the beginning, I was soooo nervous, because some of the cast and crew didn't show up. We were missing our Balthasar, Friar, and Cameraman. Balthasar was not there...I don't know why. He probably just forgot. Which was bad for him, as the only scenes he was in were the ones that were to be filmed that day. The friar broke his arm, and our cameraman had food poisoning. This lead to the eventual change of our script. We got rid of all of the friars lines, and Tommy became our Balthasar and our cameraman.

After that, everything came together. We had just enough extras to fill all the other roles, such as our page, watchmen, attendants, and other people. I took care of scene III, and Elizabeth took care of scene II. Without her, I swear, I'd probably be in like, stress rehab or something.

And...ALL OF OUR ACTORS DID SO AMAZING. They knew their lines, the knew when to come on...GOD. They just knew everything.

All of this happened between a period of...approx. 3 hours? yuuup.

Yayyyy!  So now all were waiting for is the finished product... :)

We've got it doooooooone.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tomorrow's the day!

As the title  plainly suggests, we film our big scenes tomorrow at 1!!!

And speaking of filming....we recently finished filming scene 2 of act 5! It was a fun experience. We messed up dozens of time, but in the end, we managed to pull through and film it all the way through, with no mistakes whatsoever! YAYYY! I personally think we  have the best actors! They are capable of achieving close to perfection!Good job to Eric, Tighe, Tristan, and Elizabeth!!!

 But are they ready for tomorrow? Only time will be able to tell.

I'm a little nervous, but excited to see how it all turns out. Unfortunately, our scene won't be the last ones filmed. There were a few technical difficulties, and those scenes need to be reshot. Good luck to them as well!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


HER MIDDLE NAME IS ANTONIA. SO NOW YOU CAN GO STALK HER, HERE (heyy smart cookie, why don't you click the "here"?)
She actually makes these really pretty posters, and has been helping Elizabeth and I a lilll bit.

With our group conversation, we decided on filming Thursdays scene in a library office, or any office. We went over filming angles specifically, and came to the conclusion that our cameraman must stand on a ladder to get the correct angle of them friars walking into the office, running out, and talking about their dilemmas.
Then, Elizabeth and I sent them away and talked about camerawork for scenes 1 and 3. Scene 1 is about Balthasar and Romeo talking, then Romeo purchasing naaaaarcoootics. For the first part, were going to film somewhere close to the alley behind South, and then once they finish their conversation, we are going to film R's backside, walking shadily to the alley. Then we'll film the exchange scene from a distance, but still close enough to hear what they're saying. We are not sure yet about where to film scene 3. We are disscussing that issue right at this moment.....fun fun fun.....

Goodnight, slepp titght.   

Friday, April 1, 2011

7 days and counting...

So, we have 7 days until we get our turn at filming. After experiencing being part of the action firsthand, I know it's a pretty complicated process. Good location, lighting, props, actors....well basically, everything needs to be good.
I learned some advice to help with directing too! Last saturday, instead of spending the day filming others, I spent the time being filmed. After that whoole ordeal was over (it started getting really hot in that crowd of people) I made friends with the director! He said to get everything planned out first, before filming. For the rest of the days, Elizabeth and I will be doing exactly that. We have location and actors down, so we'll probably just work on Storyboads. Fun, right? :P
But, in order to have the best act, we'll have to work the hardest :)

adelle lehua.

Monday, March 28, 2011



Act V

Scene 1 & 3: Saturday, April 9th at South, 1 PM

Scene 2: will just be filmed during 6th Hour, Friday, April 8th

Keep in mind that almost everyone is in Act V, Scene 3. It IS the most important scene, so you HAVE to be there. If that time doesn't work out for you, please comment/email/talk to us!!! We will try to make it the time good for everybody. WE WILL ALSO NEED A LOT OF EXTRAS! We have gotten a few emails already. Some extras will have talking parts, and others we'll just need a face. So if you haven't acted in R&J, you probably will get first pick! You can find talking parts and yourbeautifulface parts in the previous post.
thanks :)

I went to be an extra this afternoon for the party scene in Act 1. It was really exciting, and I can't wait for our turn to film!!!

adelle lehua.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Line count for Act V AND information for those who want to be EXTRAS.

The number of lines for each actor, in order of apperance.

Scene 1: Coffeehouse, on Mantua. A street.
Romeo: 42
Balthasar: 9
Drug Dealer: 6

Scene 2: Friar Lawrence's cell.
Friar John: 7
Friar Lawrence: 13

Scene 3:A Churchyard with a monument belonging to the Capulet's.
Paris: 23
*Page, boy: 10
Romeo: 40
Balthasar: 17
Friar Lawrence: 51
Juliet: 11
*Chief Watchman: 14
*Second Watchman: 1
*Third Watchman: 3
Prince: 28
Capulet: 10
Lady Capulet: 5
Montague: 10

*Extras cast by director, with lines

We also need extras that will pose as a group of watchmen leaving the murder scene, Attendants that walk in with the Prince, "Others" who will come in with the Capulets, and "Others" who will walk in with Lord Montague.

Elizabeth, the one who loves ducks :) and I will be picking extras for the roles right above. You will get extra credit if you volunteer. First come, first serve. Also, if you don't have a part as an actor, we will be more likely to choose ya! Unfortunately, we don't have a schedule yet, as most of the actors' schedules do not include their availability from April 7th to April 12.

Email us!!!

Mine is on my blogger profile. Ask Elizabeth for hers. Or, just search us up on the searchy thing on your school email!

adelle lehua.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Change of Plans

Theres been a change of plans!  Mr. Pro decided to have us film our acts and scenes in order. Instead of filming Scene 1 this Saturday like I planned, we have a whooole new schedule for filming. In the three weeks we have left, this is what we gotsta do:
Act 1
Wednesday March 23 – Wednesday March 30
Act 3
Thursday March 30 – Wednesday April 6
Act 5
Thursday April 7 – Wednesday April 12

Now, we have only three weeks to get the whole project done!!!

I'm not that happy about getting moved to the last week. It's the week before our spring break, and Elizabeth and I are actually BOTH leaving early. I'm leaving for NEWYORK (!!!) to see my godmommy either the 13th or 14th. Elizabeth is also leaving around then to go somewhere in the midwest. Our first 2 scenes are no big deal, as they are not tooo long, but the final scene of our act AND THE WHOLE PLAY is super dramatic and just...urgggggh. But don't worry cos, everything little thing, gonna be alright!

It's the most important because everyone dies from love. It's the scene where the whole tragedy aspect of Romeo and Juliet comes in. And we only get 5 days to film it. 

and on top of all this, people are picking fights with each other. 

Please, please please! Don't fight with each other! Let's ALL be peaceful! It's just a little bit annoying to have to solve little problems like these. I know all of us can handle being nicer and instead of yelling at someone or shoving an idea down their throats, we can discuss it coherantly. Riight? It will be alright after that, and everyone will be happy. Isn't that best for all?


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We go hard.

So it's only tuesday, but you know that pandemonium that goes on in movies right before the world collapses in on itself? well, it feels like there's just 15 little seconds until that starts.
I'm really glad that I started organizing this thing sunday, because the work that ive got to do for school in general, has gotten a lilll outta control. which is making me drink a combination of redbull, monster, and coke at the moment.

I have gotten ahold of 5 out of the 6 we need for the filming, which (hopefully!!!) will start at 2PM this Saturday at Caribou. the only problem is that it will be a bit chilly, but we just have to START. the start of something is always the hardest...
The person i havent gotten a hold of is Matt, who is our Romeo. Hopefully, he has gotten my emails and is studying his script (which has been posted on the wiki!) and will be ready for  saturday! however, he is very much in demand, as he has to film for the other 2 acts as well and produce his act. The world doesn't revolve around Act V. 
Other than communicating, I have finished my directors notes for scene 1, and i have to let Tristan (cameraman) have a look at them.
I solved Shelby's problem about wanting to look like an old hobo man while being the drug dealer. Like, don't you think of an old hobo man being the drug dealer? I also added a cat in there....just because.
And tommorow i have a meeting with all the directors, writers, and actors at 7:15.

Elizabeth better pick me up on time; I'm starting to like this chaos and wouldn't give it up for anything. Especially not for some dusty books and a research paper.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Project Board for Scene 1

Revised Script

The red is what I've added.

Act 5
Scene 1: Mantua. A street.

Enter Romeo.

If I can trust what happens when I sleep,
My dreams show something joyful will come.
Love rules my heart,
And I have many cheerful thoughts.
I dreamt my lady found me dead
(Strange dream that gives a dead man to think again!)
And I breathed life with the kisses from her lips
How sweet is love when it is thriving.

[Enter Romeo’s servant Balthasar.]

Ah Balthasar, how are you?
Do you have my letters from the friar?
How’s my wife? Is my father well?
How is Juliet?  I’m asking again… nothing can be wrong if she’s cool.

Then she’s well, and nothing is wrong.
She rests in Capulet’s tomb
And her soul lives with the angels.
I saw her laying dead
And I came here to tell you.
O, pardon me for bringing the bad news.

Is that so? You’re crazy!
Get me a pen and some paper
And get a car, I will leave tonight.

Romeo, please, have patience.
You’re getting too ahead of yourself

Don’t worry about it, you’re wrong.
Be quiet and do as I say
Do you have the letters from the friar?

No sir.

Okay, get going.
And get me a car. I’ll be with you right away.

[Exit Balthasar.]

I hope to be with Juliet tonight.
Let me think about this…
I do remember a drug dealer.
And he sells from a dark alley.
Quite a thin man he is, being poor.
Although the result of selling poison is death,
This dealer will surely give me some for the money I pay up.
Just pass this corner and… Ah!
Why hello! *name?*!

[Enter Drug Dealer]

Drug Dealer.
Who is it?!

Come here, I want some poison,
But not just any old poison,
One that will drop a man instantaneously.

Drug Dealer.
I have what you want, but it would cost me my life.

You’re a sleazy guy hungry for money.
Take my money and use it to buy food,
Water and a shelter.
Forget about the law and give me the poison.

Drug Dealer.
I need the money but I can’t do it.

Here’s the money, and no one else has to know.

Drug Dealer.
Put this in any drink you wish,
And your life will be taken right from you.

Count it out.
That wasn’t so bad, was it?
Goodbye. Go buy food and put on some weight.
I will use this poison out of love, thank you.


Act 5
Scene 2: Friar Laurence’s cell.

Enter Friar John.

Holy friar, hello!

[Enter Friar Laurence.]

Hello Friar John.
Welcome from Mantua. What did Romeo say?
Give me his response.

I was helping an old friend in the city,
This delayed my speed and I was unable to stop at the post office,
Therefore, the post office did not give Romeo the letter

Then who did?

No one, I could not send it off,
Here it is again.

Oh shoot!
This letter was not a social one, but one of great importance,
If Romeo doesn’t have it, this could get complicated.
Friar John, go and get me an iron crowbar and bring it here- immediately.

Right away sir.

Within the next three hours, Juliet will wake.
She will be devastated that Romeo has not heard of these events.
But I will write to Romeo again
And keep her at my cell until Romeo comes-
Poor Romeo, seeking out Juliet’s dead body.


A bit late, but here's my second post!

I apologize for not posting this when I was supposed to! I thought it was due Monday (the 21st).

Anyway, there are about 4 weeks until everything in this project has to be done (April 15). Which means that we should probably start filming this week. My goal is to NOT wait until the last minute like I usually do.

Basically, to avoid putting this together at the last second, I took the liberty of making a Project Board. It doesn't look like much, but I'm sure it will be very helpful in the near future. Since I have no idea how to post pictures on this thing, I'll just have to describe it. My overall plan is to film Act 1 the week of March 21 to March 27 (this week!).  I will have to talk to the cameraman for our hour, Tristan, our Romeo, Mango (Matt), Drug Dealer (Shelby), Balthasar (Gabe Day? Who is this kid?), and Elizabeth, my amazing Co-Director if you forgot. Or, with Elizabeth's help, I could just dictate when they would need to be there. I would also have to talk with the other directors about scheduling issues, as I’m sure that they would also need Matt.

For Act 1, Elizabeth and I thought that we could shoot at one of the local coffee houses. We decided on either Caribou or Starbucks in the Village. And…we would probably have to ask Caribou/Starbucks if we could film, and of course we would want other people there. Like Extras, perhaps? The scene where Romeo gets his poison would be in one of the few alleys in the village.

And finally, to complete the filming of Act 1, I would need our costume designers to communicate with the Act 4 costume designers to see what Romeo would be wearing. Also, they need to make Shelby look like a drug dealer and Balthasar to look like...well Balthasar.


oh, wait!
i forgot to mention that i revised the script for Scenes 1 and 2.
so i'll post that after this!

adelle lehua.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

A fading little ray of sun (Directing the tragic Act V of Romeo and Juliet)

I don't really know what to say....other that I'm really really super excited to be director!!! I'm a bit nervous as well, but I'm sure i can look past that.

i love being in charge of things. i know that sounds like a kinda selfish reason to be director, but i like being in charge. i always take over projects for schoolwork and turn them into something amazing (I usually do this all by myself, but this time i get to share the work of this tragic act with my awesome co-director, who loves ducks).
I'm a perfectionist, so if something meets my standards, it's pretty dope.
i also like to make things pretty. i make things substantial.   
And i hope that this play of Romeo and Juliet will be exactly that; pretty and substantial.

You know that test thing that you take and it shows you which jobs you might be interested in and suitable for your interests? Well, sometimes they're completely messed up. Likke my number 6 most suitable job was a fast food worker...................i don't really think that's going to happen. No offense to you fast food workers out there. I'm totally happy that you do what you do. Without you, i couldn't eat chicken chalupas. WHICH ARE. SO. ALARMINGLY AMAZING. anyways...a job that was suited for me was a director. i took that to heart, and I've been waiting for an opportunity for a chance to be one...and look! it came along. so yeah. I'm pretty happy. i want to be bombarded (I JUST LOVE THAT WORD!!!) with questions and to have problems to solve. i don't want to sit around and do nothing. i hope i don't lose interest in this project (i have the attention span of a microscopic goldfish, but i can focus when i really want/have to, don't worry!). That would be...HORRIBLE.

 So, sorry if this first blog of mine sounds a bit narcissistic and selfish at times...i didn't mean to come off like that!

Have an
alarming, astonishing, awe-inspiring, beautiful, breathtaking exalted, grand, imposing, impressive, magnificent, majestic, mind-blowing, moving, shocking striking, stunning, stupefying, wonderful, wondrous lovely day!

adelle lehua.

[yes, i just copied synonyms of amazing into the ending of my blog. IT WAS BEAST, and you knew it :)]

p.s.-im ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS hungry.